
Marketing strategy writing program Halifax

Marketing strategies


It’s not just you.

It’s true, 9 out of 10 dentists hate marketing strategies* Try a new way with 20 year marketing professional Neil in Downtown Dartmouth.

Enroll Now

Next course Date: November 24th- 26th


Who Neil’s supported in storytelling over his career


Communicating is very


If you’re serious about communicating effectively, then you know it’s a serious investment. So why can’t we get serious about our marketing strategies?

Because they suck. (did we mention this?)


Here’s 3 reasons why they suck

  • 1
    So much uncertainty. Where to start. What to include. What to leave out. How much to invest...
  • 2
    Too much time. If we know where to start, how do we find the time?
  • 3
    They kill creativity. Tell your unique story within these character limits. Ugh.

We know. And we can help.

Enroll Now

How you benefit from this course (this would be the sizzle)

Writing marketing strategies will suck a lot less*

This program includes:

Reusable Fully Customized Take Home Marketing Strategy Template

Customized Marketing Strategy (or a clear 1st draft depending on scale)

Expert Advice throughout with 30 day and 90 day follow-up

Lights, cameras + content creation time in studio

Convenient FRI / SAT / SUN scheduling for fuller focus

3-Day Catered In Person, Downtown Dartmouth

Course Itinerary

What you will learn in the course

Day 1

Learn the building blocks of a marketing strategy, then spend the afternoon creating your strategy template.

Day 2

Write your marketing strategy (with our help).

Day 3

Continue writing your marketing strategy or use the day to film the content.

Financial Details

  • November 24th-26th - 12 seats
  • Dec 6th-8th - 8 seats (during the week in the studio)
  • Jan 8th-10th - 8 seats (during the week in the studio)
  • Jan 19th-21st - 12 seats
  • Pricing promotion:
  • Book your seat before December 6th get holiday pricing!
  • $995.00 per seat (75% Off)
  • Regularly $3500

Start writing strategies fast + with confidence.

Do future you a favour and submit your application to enroll (or ask that question you still have) so we can connect.

Registration includes two seats.

Need more information?

Call: 1-902-293-6871

Email Us:


"...I have nothing but good things to say. They’re dedicated to their clients, constantly trying to find innovative ways to drive their clients’ business, and meet every challenge thrown at them with enthusiasm and a get-it-done attitude."

Karl Van Allen
Duggers Menswear

"Neil and the team at This Is Marketing are fantastic!  They worked on a refresh to my business brand which included coming up with a new name for my business, new branded logo and website. I am beyond thrilled with the work they did.  They are creative geniuses!"

Michelle Carter
Sincerely Skin (formerly Willow Esthetics Boutique)

"They leap tall buildings, even ford streams to create beautiful communication. We approached them with a us come up with a pitch deck in 5 days.. or was it 4? They delivered, and then when the project came together, they kept delivering."

Martha Reynolds
Nova Scotia Cider Association